helpful in helping someone's tennis career along 意味
- 《be ~》(人)がテニスのキャリアを積むのに役立つ{やくだつ}
- helpful helpful adj. 助けになる. 【副詞】 My computer has been enormously helpful.
- helping helping n. (食べ物の)ひと盛り, 一人前 《スープも含める》. 【動詞+】 I ate three helpings of pie.
- tennis tennis n. テニス, 庭球. 【動詞+】 play tennis テニスをする Since his marriage, he
- career 1career n. 経歴, 生涯; 職業, 生涯の仕事; (職業上の)前途, 出世, 将来; 進行; 速力. 【動詞+】 She
- along along adv., prep. (…に)沿って; 一緒に; 前方に. 【副詞】 It was your doing all along,
- toward the end of someone's tennis career (人)のテニス人生{じんせい}の終わりごろに
- find someone helpful (人)は親切{しんせつ}だと思う
- helpful in curing someone's stomachache 《be ~》(人)の腹痛治療{ふくつう ちりょう}に役立つ{やくだつ}
- give someone a helping hand (人)に救い[援助]の手を差し伸べる、(人)に手を貸す、人助けをする、一肌脱ぐ、力を添える、相談に乗る My company likes to give a helping hand to its friends.
- helping someone commit suicide 自殺幇助{じさつ ほうじょ}
- beat someone at tennis テニスで(人)を負かす[に勝つ]
- challenge someone to a game of tennis (人)にテニスの試合{しあい}を申し込む
- test someone's tennis skills (人)のテニスの腕前{うでまえ}を試す
- crime of helping someone commit suicide 自殺幇助{じさつ ほうじょ}の罪
- directed at helping someone to achieve independence 《be ~》(人)の独立{どくりつ}(達成{たっせい})の支援{しえん}[援助{えんじょ}]を目的{もくてき}とする[のために行われる]